Providing Medical Care for Lepers

What we do

India Hope works in 46 leper colonies which ministers to over 3,500 people suffering from leprosy. We provide medical care and provisions, such as rice and blankets and clothes and other items of necessity. We have also set up a home for the children of lepers; for these children, we provide food, clothing, education, and shelter. Most importantly, we prepare them for a better future.

How you can help

There are approximately five million people suffering from leprosy in India. They are living in approximately 50,000 leper colonies. Most of them live by begging. They are surviving life, but are in terrible physical pain. They live in isolated places, outside the cities and villages.

Please make a donation today and make a difference to lives of those suffering with a painful and debilitating illness. Thank you.

What your donations can do:

  • £342 can provide one meal a day for 50 lepers in a leper colony.
  • £642 can provide medical help to lepers to clean their wounds and to provide them with the necessary medicine.
  • £21,428 will build a 100x 20 Sq ft. building as a common hall for lepers to live in, at a location where there is no leper colony.

What inspired us to help those suffering from leprosy?

In 1997 Brother Jacob (the founder of the charity) met a leper women sitting by the side of the road. Everyone just passed by her. But, not Brother Jacob. He stopped and spent some time talking with her. She broke down into tears and told him her story. She told him about the pain in her heart and about the people in her leper colony. She asked Jacob to come and visit the lepers in the leper colony. Brother Jacob went

and saw the broken lives.  He knew that they needed to see the love of Jesus in action. I will never forget what happened one day as I visited a particular leper colony. One of the men, who was suffering from leprosy, had a son. The man was very ill. In fact, he was dying. He called me close to him and took his son’s hand and put it in my hand. He said, “Pastor Jacob! Will you promise me to take care of my son? If you say yes, I will die

in peace.” A few days later the man died. As I had promised, I took his son into our Grace Home.

As a result of that, we started a home for the children of lepers. For these children, we provide food, clothing, education, and shelter.  Most importantly, we prepare them for a better future.

In 1997 Brother Jacob (the founder of the charity) met a leper women sitting by the side of the road. Everyone just passed by her. But, not Brother Jacob. He stopped and spent some time talking with her. She broke down into tears and told him her story. She told him about the pain in her heart and about the people in her leper colony. She asked Jacob to come and visit the lepers in the leper colony. Brother Jacob went and saw the broken lives.  He knew that they needed to see the love of Jesus in action.

I will never forget what happened one day as I visited a particular leper colony. One of the men, who was suffering from leprosy, had a son. The man was very ill. In fact, he was dying. He called me close to him and took his son’s hand and put it in my hand. He said, “Pastor Jacob! Will you promise me to take care of my son? If you say yes, I will die in peace.” I have never forgotten those words. A few days later the man died. As I had promised, I took his son into our Grace Home.

As a result of that, we started a home for the children of lepers. For these children, we provide food, clothing, education, and shelter.  Most importantly, we prepare them for a better future.

Our Goals

We have high hopes and expectations for the future.

  • Continue to care for those in desperate need, and for their children. We need your help to do this.
  • Continue to provide medical camps