Homes for Orphans

What we do

We have built schools for the benefit of orphans and needy children in the community, for both primary and secondary school ages. In addition we have built vocational establishments, such as a Nursing school, and in the future we plan to provide degree level courses. Find out more about our Education Programme.

Many of our boys and girls finish secondary school and then go on to obtain a university education. Some are studying now to become engineers, nurses and other types of professionals.

Over the last 25 years, many of our Grace Home children have finished their education and grown up. Some have become missionaries; some have married, had families and are working; others have gone on to finish their university education and are working in different professional positions. Our goal is to help each child discover his future. All the children in the orphanages have ambitious desires for their lives.

How you can help

We have hundreds of children in need of sponsorship. You can help by sponsoring a child or children, or indeed your organisation or church could sponsor an orphanage.

Please help and sponsor a child or make a donation today. Alternatively, if your organisation wishes to sponsor an orphanage, please contact us for further details. Thank you.

Your contribution will make a real difference:

  • Not only do we have great hope to help significantly more orphans and needy children, we are obviously committed to the continuing care of our existing 5000+ children.
  • We need to distribute 1,700 kilos of rice per day in order to give our orphans and staff three meals a day, and 50,000 eggs per month. The costs of provisions increase year on year. There’s plenty of other types of food we need to provide too!
  • Also we have other needs to meet, such as medicine, staff salaries, education, maintenance of buildings and transportation. When the schools re-open in June, we will need to provide 50,000 note books and pens, and over 4,000 school bags and school dresses.

Why do we want to help?

On June 12 1994, Brother Jacob and Elizabeth started the first orphanage with three orphans in a backward village called Duginepalli. With many tears, Jacob took these orphans into his heart and hand, and brought them to his small village home. Many people thought that Jacob was crazy, and were disappointed in him. They did not think that he would be able to take care of the children and his family. Brother Jacob’s trust was in the Lord Jesus. From this small and humble beginning, this work began grow and now India Hope takes care of over 6500+ orphans and needy children in 35 different Grace Homes.

Our Goals

We have high hopes and expectations for the future, and our goals include:

  • Completing the construction of our school and orphanage for slum children
  • Our goal is to house and care for 8,000 orphans and needy children within the next five years (we currently house and care for over 6500 orphans).
  • Our goal is to change these children’s lives by giving them the resources and the tools necessary to have a better future.

Our goal is to change these children’s lives by giving them the resources and the tools necessary to have a better future.